Thinking of a way to make a girl like you? If so, then you need to do and say the right things that will impress her and catch her attention. Fortunately, this task is not too difficult to do, since it’s usually the smallest thing that can make a lasting and strong impression on any woman. For instance, all it takes is a witty comment, a wholesome sense of humor, and a nice gesture that can turn her on. On the other hand, a wrong choice of word or a display of arrogance can ruin your chances of getting to know a woman more. With your words and actions, women can instantly make up their minds and decide if you are worth another look or someone who’s never worth their time
With all these things in mind, you should be careful with every move you make because just a single slip can break your chances of winning her heart. Learn from the pro and check out these top 10 tips to impress girls without appearing fake or desperate for their attention.

10. Show your sincerity by maintaining eye contact when listening to her.

While it may be a major challenge not to stare and drool when faced with a gorgeous woman, you should remember that everyone appreciates a good conversation with a person who knows how to listen. An excellent way to prove to her that you are actually listening to every word she says is by looking at her in the eyes – without staring at her, of course! Nod politely as you listen to her, and make sure you don’t just look or gape like some maniac.

9. Learn the value of good grooming.

Naturally, no one would be interested in being with someone who looks mangy. Moreover, a hint of body odor or bad breath makes you almost banned from any woman. Being well-groomed does not mean being fake. After all, if you present yourself well in front of someone you like, you will have the reputation of being mature and worthy of her time. Women like to be with men who are physically appealing and mentally stimulating, so at least make an effort to look your best when you plan to ask a girl on a date. It is almost second nature to man to judge others based on their appearance, which means you can expect women to judge you this way, as well.

8. Don’t just stand there – do something sweet and thoughtful.

If you want to impress a girl, then you should try to make her feel more comfortable and at ease by doing simple but sweet things for her. Even modern women appreciate chivalrous acts, and this can also serve as your ticket to her heart. Since it’s not quite common anymore to find men who know old-school acts of chivalry, then it’s your time to make a stunning difference by being a gentleman that you are. Your thoughtful acts will not only impress her, but it will increase her level of comfort as she stays with you on a date.

7. Get to know her close friends.

Everyone knows that for women, close friends mean a lot to them. If it is your first time to date a popular girl in class, the best way to get her attention is by learning how to mingle with her friends. Most women find sociable men quite attractive because of their ability to deal with almost any type of people. The next time she introduces you to her friends, try your best to engage an interesting conversation with them. Not only will you be able to impress a girl this way, but it can also help you develop your social skills

6. Forget about your phone when you are with her.

There is nothing more annoying than to be with someone who keeps on looking at his phone almost every five minutes. This gesture shouts “I care about my phone more than I care about you”, which can be a major turn off among women. So if you need to use the phone for an emergency issue, make sure you excuse yourself instead of staying beside her as you go yapping for hours with your caller.

5. Make her a part of the conversation.

Never ever monopolize the conversation if you want to win a girl’s attention. The best way to do this is by asking relevant questions depending on what you think will interest her. By asking her some questions about her interests and opinions, she will be more than eager to be with you on your next date.

4. Be a gentleman.

A gentlemanly gesture never gets old on women, so just make it a point to do something nice for her all the time. For instance, you may hold the door for her, wait for her to sit before you do, and a million other things that just show how much she matters to you.

3. Show how much you appreciate her.

Women like to be flattered and complimented, so give her a chance to feel all these while she’s with you. However, don’t just give a positive remark without apparent reason. Tell her she looks great on her dress, compliment her shiny hair, and so on. Be sincere whenever you say these words to make her feel important.

2. Ask her opinion.

Do you need to make an important decision such as investing on a property or thinking of a better location for your office? No matter what kind of important task you have in mind, you can impress a girl by asking her for advice. Women like it that they’re opinions matter, and they will appreciate it if you include them in your decisions. However, make sure you know how to ask the proper way, since as much as women like it when men ask their opinions, they can’t stand people who look as though they are clueless about almost everything.

1. Tell her what you think.

Women love to know more about a person’s thoughts, feelings and opinions. Furthermore, they appreciate it when someone tells them how they seem to brighten up the room because of their charm and positive vibe. When you want to impress a girl, compliment her for being an interesting and charming person to be with. Your compliments will go a long way, so be prepared with your heart-warming and positive words that can make her feel even more impressed with and attracted to you.